Digital library can contain digitized documents (e.g. rare documents digitized in the national programs Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica and Kramerius) or electronic documents created directly in the digital format. Access to the digital library is restricted with access rights. Metadata, ie. bibliographical and other descriptions of the documents are available to anyone, as well as are the graphical data of the documents not protected by the copyright law. Graphical data protected by the copyright law are available only to users accessing the application from the computers at the premises of the library. More
In accordance with the legal deposit law, the MZK systematically increases the documents published in the CR that it permanently stores. The MZK also selectively adds further copies of Czech and foreign documents.
As part of the shared cataloging process, the ML, in conjunction with National Library and Olomouc Research Library, participates in the creation of a Czech National Bibliography by online processing of bibliographic records of Czech-produced monographs, serials, and cartographic and music documents to the central base NKC 01 in the ALEPH Cluster module.
The MZK participates in building the national authority file by creating and supervising suggestions for the name, subject, and title authorities on-line directly from the bibliographic record into the database as AUT10 in common cataloguing process as well as by taking part in the VISK 9 project.
By retrospectively converting catalogues following the VISK 5 project, the MZK contributes large amounts of data to a comprehensive catalogue called Union Catalogue.
Scanning the contents of professional and popular nonfiction literature and university textbooks enables readers to perform thematic searches for words from the contents.
Within the National Digital Library project, co-financed from EU Structural Funds through the Integrated Operational Programme, the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Moravian Library in Brno will digitise a significant part of their collections, preserve it in the long term and make it accessible for you. More
A project titled (book covers) aggregates different sources of information about books in one easy-to-use web service. At present, the server has a database containing 507,876 covers and 30,962 contents of Czech and foreign publications. The service is intended for libraries, library systems suppliers, publishers, and readers.
The service was established in 2008 thanks to the Moravian Library project as a part of the VISK3 program. Its initial goal was to become the central repository for book cover images intended for integration into library catalogues. In 2010, the project underwent further intensive development, with the new service aimed at extending the database of book covers with other enriching elements.
At the beginning of 2011, further development of the project was assumed by the Municipal Library in Prague. The Moravian Library, however, remains a cooperative institution. Who to contact in the MZK regarding this project: Věra Mynářová,
DR is a joint project of the National Library of the Czech Republic, Library of the Academy of Sciences and company INCAD. The aim of the project was to create a national registry of digitized documents, which would be used to manage the digitization workflow of individual institutions, avoid duplication and enable sharing of processing the results of digitization. More
Poslední aktualizace: 10.02.2016, 10:55