Our registered users can use one of our team study rooms. If you want to be sure, you can book it in advance. Reservations are free of charge!
Study Room suitable for smaller study groups is located on the 7th floor in the foyer next to the toilets. It is designed for a maximum of 8 users. Key and detailed information will be provided by services on the 6th floor.
Detailed rules for boooking and lending of team study rooms can be found in the Library Regulations. Study room can be borrowed only by user with valid registration. Booking and Lending of study rooms are free of charge. During the study, the room must not be locked.
1) After logging into the online catalogue, you can reserve free blocks through the Team Study Room record.
2) A request to reserve free blocks appears. Choose from the green fields (the red ones are already reserved by another user) and confirm with the book button at the bottom. You can have a maximum of 10 time blocks booked at a time.
6) Now you can enter the reservation requests. Choose from green fields (red are already reserved by another users) and confirm it by clicking on the "Reserve" button below. You can have a maximum of 10 time blocks booked at a time.
Remember that if you do not arrive 10 minutes after the start of your booked time slots, all your reservation for this day will be canceled and will be available to another users. The key to the study room must be returned before the end of the loan period – once you exceed the loan period, you will be automatically charged a fee of 100 CZK.
Poslední aktualizace: 15.04.2024, 08:25