You will find a large part of our stock listed in this catalogue. Online catalog VuFind allows you to order and reserve books, track your loans, and manage your account. New access through VuFind offers a simple method for refining your query.
For the latest technical information and current news, search in the electronic information resources that are prepared by the MZK. These are reliable sources managed by the world's most prestigious publishing houses. You will also find links to free online resources and databases available on CD and DVD
Digital library can contain digitized documents (e.g. rare documents digitized in the national programs Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica and Kramerius) or electronic documents created directly in the digital format. Access to the digital library is restricted with access rights. Metadata, ie. bibliographical and other descriptions of the documents are available to anyone, as well as are the graphical data of the documents not protected by the copyright law. Graphical data protected by the copyright law are available only to users accessing the application from the computers at the premises of the library. More
If you are unable to locate what you are looking for in the online catalogue, try retrieving our digitized card catalogues in which you will find records of documents acquired before 1994.
If you are looking for a map of a specific area or location but do not know its precise name, you may find the Map Rank Search application very useful. Enter the name of the site or define the desired area with a rectangle (the magnifying glass icon in the lower left corner of the map) and you will find a selection of relevant maps in the right-hand corner of your screen. The application is in its beta version and performs searches only in old maps published before the mid-19th century. Digitized old maps and graphics are available on a special website
is a digital archive of Czech web resources which are collected with the aim of their long-term preservation. The National Library of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with Moravian Library and Institute of Computer Science of Masaryk University, has been organizing preservation of these documents since 2000. Tools developed by the Internet Archive, and the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) respectively are used for web archiving. WebArchiv is a member of IIPC from 2007.
Poslední aktualizace: 01.08.2018, 09:59