Womans History in the USA

Info USA v Moravské zemské knihovně srdečně zve na přednášku

Women's History in the USA

přednáší Joanna Kortik

March is Women’s History Month in the United States when Americans honor the women’s suffrage movement and the plans for women to shape the future. The women’s suffrage movement in America has a relatively short history; the struggle for women’s rights became pronounced during America’s industrial revolution. The demand for women’s suffrage emerged in the first half of the 19th century from within other reform movements of the period. Joanna Kortik will place the women’s suffrage movement into the context of America’s history. She will discuss the ongoing movement and provide her perspective of the social, economic and political challenges for women in America today. 

Kdy: čtvrtek 28.března 2013 9:00-10:00

Kde: malý sál (6.patro), Moravská zemská knihovna, Kounicova 65s

přednáška bude vedena v angličtině, vstup volný

About the Speaker: Joanna Kortik is an American living in the Czech Republic. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Higher Education Teaching and Learning and has completed coursework toward a PhD. Joanna is the author of Five Keys to Becoming an Unstoppable Warrior Mom. She has spoken numerous times in the Czech Republic and in the United States on various topics dealing with women’s issues (in general) and moms (in specific). Joanna is a captivating speaker and connects one-to-one with her audience. Her website is www.joannakortik.com. Joanna is a member of the National Speakers Association in the USA.

Additional materials: Additional downloadable materials are found at http://www.joannakortik.com/press.html.

amcornerpozvankawomenshistoryinamerica.pdf129.85 KB

Poslední aktualizace: 15.01.2014, 17:20