Beseda s americkými kongresmeny k prezidentským volbám

Velvyslanectví Spojených států v Praze a InfoUSA v Brně srdečně zvou na besedu

Faceoff ?
Face-to-Face to Democrats and Republicans

Have you ever wondered what was the difference between Democrats and Republicans on domestic and foreign policy issues? How important will these differences be in the 2012 elections?


The U.S. Embassy in Prague together with Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně would like to invite to a debate between LAWRENCE LAROCCO, former Democratic Congressman from Idaho, and SCOTT KLUG, former Republican Congressman from Wisconsin.

WHEN: Wednesday 10, 2012 17:00

WHERE: Conference hall, Moravian Library, Kounicova 65a

Entrance free

Debate will be held in English

The debate will by moderated by PETR SUCHÝ of Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University.

amcornerpozvankakongresmeni.pdf213.07 KB

Poslední aktualizace: 01.10.2012, 17:03