A peak into African-American Culture: Music, Lyrics, and Spoken Word / Black History Month

A peak into African-American Culture: Music, Lyrics, and Spoken Word / Black History Month

When: Februrary 22 / 17.00
Where: Event Room / 6th floor

In honor of Black History Month in February, join us for an interactive emergence into the world of spoken word poetry and African American artistic expression with special guest Bendjhi Villiers.
Bendjhi Villiers is a Haitian-American poet from North Miami, FL. and teaches English in Pardubice as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. After being born in Haiti, his mother along with him moved to the states when he was two years old.
Bendjhi is a free spirited individual who believes that writing is a road that leads you to the place where you find yourself. His spirit animals include the dolphin and the Japanese flying squirrel. In his spare time he enjoys typing on his typewriter, which was found abandoned on the side of the road. When not on his typewriter, you can find Bendjhi listening to old vinyl as he stars outside his window watching the sunset.

Při příležitosti Měsíce černošské historie se s námi ponořte do světa mluvené poezie a africko-amerického umění se speciálním hostem Bendjhim Villiersem. Bendjhi Villiers je haitsko-americky básník z North Miami na Floridě.
Letos vyučuje angličtinu v Pardubicích jako stipendista Fulbrightovy komise. Když mu byly pouhé dva roky, odstěhovala se s ním jeho matka z Haiti do Spojených států.
Bendjhi je člověk se svobodným duchem a věří, že psaní je cesta, která vás zavede k místu, kde najdete sami sebe. Ve svém volném čase rád píše na svém psacím stroji, který našel opuštěný na okraji silnice. Když zrovna netráví čas u svého psacího stroje, pouští si staré vinylové desky a dívá se z okna na západ slunce.

Black History Month programme:

The lecture is held in English.

Free admission
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Poslední aktualizace: 26.01.2018, 17:28